

First Steps

First Steps


DATEVconnect is a RESTful API that can be used to read and write files from DATEV on-premises applications. The end point is structured according to the schema:


The placeholders are to be defined as follows:

schemeThe transport protocol. HTTP is to be selected for communication with a service that runs on localhost. HTTPS must be selected for a service on a remote system.
ip-addressA valid IP address is either localhost or the address of the target system concerned.
portDepending on the protocol selected, a suitable port must be chosen. 58454 must be selected for HTTPbased communication and 58452 for HTTPS-based communication.
domainThis is where the domain is stipulated in which the resource being requested is located.
domain-versionHere, the version of the domain being addressed is selected. The version always contains the prefix v.
resource-pathThis describes and addresses the resource being requested.


DATEVconnect supports several authentication methods dependent on the transport protocol used. For every request sent to DATEVconnect the authentification will be excecuted, therefore there are no sessions. Anonymous requests will not be accepted.

HTTP (local communication)HTTPS
  • Windows-Authentication (NTLM/Kerberos)
  • Basic Authentication (default setting)
  • Windows-Authentication (NTLM/Kerberos)
  • OpenID Connect

Please note:

  • Authentication is performed by the Windows system, hosting the DATEVconnect service. If necessary, the full user name, including the authority (domain or name of the computer), may be required, i.e. Domain \ username.
  • The user is authorized by the user and rights management (Integrated Access Management - IAM).

Path specifications and identifying individual resources

It is possible to address either a list of resources or an individual resource. For a list resource, it is sufficient just to state the name of the resource in the URI. If just a single element on this list should be adressed, the URI segment, which defines the resource name, must be followed by a segment containing the ID of the desired element.

The addressing of the list resource “clients” could appear as follows:


A single element from this list could be addressed using the following URI, albeit with the placeholder {client-id} replaced by the ID of the element concerned


It is also possible to address resources that are subordinate to other resources:


Here, it is once again possible to address an individual element of the subresource by stating an ID. This hierarchy can be continued indefinitely.

Functional resources

In the case of certain resources, it is also possible to address functions. Instead of the usual read/write operations, these execute a function upon the resource involved. Functions can only be requested on lists. When doing so, the name of the function must be defined immediately after the resource name.


Using HTTP verbs

DATEVconnect makes it possible to read, add, and modify resources. First of all, the resource must be addressed in the manner described above. Depending on which HTTP verb is selected, a decision is made as to whether the addressed resource will be read, written, or modified. Resources are read using GET. POST is used to add resources. PUT makes it possible to modify existing resources.


HTTP-POST can be used to write new resources. A POST request must always be addressed to a list resource; in other words, no ID may be defined in the final segment of the URI. The object being written must always be placed individually in the body of the HTTP request message and may also not contain an ID. A list of objects cannot be transmitted. The HTTP response message does not contain the written object. The URI via which the written object can be addressed is found in the HTTP response header. Instead, notifications may be contained in the HTTP body of the response.


HTTP-PUT can be used to modify existing resources. A PUT request must always be addressed to an individual resource; in other words, the ID must always be defined in the final segment of the URI. The object being written must always be placed individually in the body of the HTTP request message, and the ID has to match the ID in the URI. A list of objects cannot be transmitted. The HTTP response message does not contain the modified object. The URI via which the modified object can be addressed is found in the HTTP response header. Instead, notifications may be contained in the HTTP body of the response.


For every request sent to DATEVconnect, certain fields should be included in the HTTP request header. All possible fields are described in the table below. In the event that a field is not included, the default value will be used.

Field nameDescriptionDefaul value
AuthorizationFor the HTTP authentication process user credentials are necessary. 
Content-TypeThis field is required for POST and PUT requests, as it tells DATEVconnect which format the transmitted resources are transferred in. The usual value is application/json.application/json
AcceptThis field specifies the format that DATEVconnect should use to return the resources. It is also possible to enter multiple formats separated by commas. In order to be able to define a weighting for the individual formats, a quality value can also be entered.'application/json;q=1.0
Client-ApplicationThe name of the client application should be defined here. This can be used to analyze errors in DATEVconnect.-
Client-VersionThe version of the client application should be defined here. This is also used to analyze errors in DATEVconnect.-
If-None-MatchThis parameter can be used for HTTP GET requests, if supported by the corresponding resource. In case a value is defined for this parameter, the resource is returned by the server only if the requested resource is not in the appropriate version. This makes it possible to load a resource only in case it has changed. If the resource has not changed, an HTTP response with the status code 304 (Not Modified) and without content is returned instead of the resource. It is also possible to specify several versions at the same time. The resources supporting this parameter can be found in the corresponding API documentation.-
If-MatchThis parameter can be used for HTTP PUT requests, if supported by the corresponding resource. In case a value is defined for this parameter, the resource is only changed by the server when the requested resource is in the appropriate version. This makes it possible to implement an optimistic locking strategy. If the resource that is to be changed is already in a different version, an HTTP response with the status code 419 (Precondition Failed) is returned. It is also possible to specify several versions at the same time. The resources supporting this parameter can be found in the corresponding API documentation.-

Therefore, a request using the fields listed in this table may appear as follows:

GET http://localhost:58451/datev/api/v1/clients
  Content-Type: application/json
  Accept: application/json
  Client-Application: My Application
  Client-Version: 1.0
  If-None-Match: "3", "4"

HTTP response header

Every response message returned by DATEVconnect contains multiple fields in the HTTP header.

Field nameDescriptionAlways persent
Total-ItemsWhen a list resource is requested, this states the total number of entries present.Is only used with paging. Depending on the resource concerned, it is not always present.
Request-IdThis is used by the recipient to inform the requesting party of the ID of their request.Yes
ETagThis entity tag contains a version identifier for the requested resource. This allows an optional update of the resource or the implementation of an optimistic locking strategy. This parameter should be used in combination with the HTTP request headers “If-None-Match” and “If-Match”. The parameter ETag is included in each response message for an HTTP-GET. It does not exist for any other HTTP methods.Yes, with HTTP-GET
LinkContains links that provide more information. See the description below for more details.No

Whether or not links are contained in the response header depends on the request made.

  • If a “read” request is performed using HTTP-GET including paging, links to other pages will be contained in the response header.
  • If a “write new” request is performed using HTTP-POST, a link may be returned via which the resource written can be read. Whether or not a link of this kind is present depends on whether or not the resource is readable in the first place. If this is not the case, this is described in the API documentation.
  • If a resource is modified via HTTP-PUT, a link is always returned via which the resource can be reread.

All links are structured in accordance with RFC5988. The meaning of the link can be interpreted using the link relation type provided. The following link relation types are used by DATEVconnect:

Link relation typeDescriptionAlway present
firstSupplies the link to the first page during reading.HTTP-GET incl. paging. Only present if the current response does not relate to the first page.
lastSupplies the link to the last page during reading.HTTP-GET incl. paging. Only present if Total-Items is also present in the response header and if the response does not relate to the last page.
prevSupplies the linkto the previous page during reading.HTTP-GET incl. paging. Only present if the current response does not relate to the first page.
nextSupplies the link to the next page during reading.HTTP-GET incl. paging. Not present if DATEVconnecthas information about the total number of items (Total-Items) and if the response relates to the final page.
selfSupplies the link to the current resource.HTTP-GET, HTTP-POST, and HTTP-PUT. Only present with a new resource written using HTTP-POST if the resource is readable.

The link is separated from the link relation type by a semicolon. If multiple links are contained within a response, these are separated by commas. The following example is designed to illustrate this point:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Link: <https://localhost:58452/datev/api/master-data/v1/clients?top=10&skip=30>;rel="self",

Troubleshooting and notifications

DATEVconnect returns three types of response message, with each type distinguished by the HTTP status code.

  • Everything OK → HTTP status code 2xx
  • Client error → HTTP status code 4xx
  • Server error → HTTP status code 500

If DATEVconnect returns a status code that is not within the 2xx range, the request has not been processed by the server. The client may assume that there has been no change to the situation. In addition to a status code, DATEVconnect may also return additional information in the HTTP response message. This information will be shown in line with the following schema:

    "error" : "Fehler-ID",
    "error_description" : "Beschreibung des Fehlers",
    "error_uri" : "URI zu weiterführenden Informationen zum Fehler",
    "request_id" : "ID des HTTP Requests",
    "additional_messages" : […]

The meaning and possible values of the errors are explained in more detail in the table below:

Field nameDescription
errorA unique error/notification ID. This ID can be used to search for further help and information in the information DB.
error_descriptionA description of the current error/notification. This description is in English.
error_uriThis URI leads straight to the document in the information DB. It may be the case that this URI is not included even though a document is available in the information DB. Therefore, we recommend to carry out a manual search using the error ID.
request_idThis ID is identical with the ID contained in the HTTP response header and serves to enable error analysis.
additional_messagesThis array contains a list of more detailed information. If, for instance, mandatory fields have not been included or not properly included when creating a new data set, a list of all validation notifications can be found here.

If several errors have occured within a request or additional information is available, these are available within additional_messages. This information is structured according to the following schema:

    "id" : "Fehler-ID",
    "description" : "Beschreibung des Fehlers",
    "severity" : Information|Warning|ValidationFault|Error,
    "help_uri" : "URI zu weiterführenden Informationen zum Fehler"

In the event that multiple errors have occurred within a request or if additional information is available, this information can be accessed within additional_messages. This information is structured in accordance with the following schema:

Field nameDescription
idA unique error/notification ID. This ID can be used to search for further help and information in the information DB.
error_descriptionA description of the current error/notification. This description is in English.
severityThis field is an enumeration and describes the type of notification concerned.
help_uriThis URI leads straight to the document in the information DB. It may be the case that this URI is not included even though a document is available in the information DB. Therefore, we recommend to carry out a manual search using the error ID.

In order to ensure that the notifications in the HTTP body are transferred along with the payload in an HTTP-GET response, the client must ensure that the “Accept” field contains at least application/json and multipart/mixed. This makes it possible to distinguish between payload and messages. A response message is shown below that contains both payload data and notifications.

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
  "message":"This is a message",
      "description":"This is a message",

By contrast, the notifications are always transferred in the case of HTTP-POST and -PUT responses, regardless of the “Accept” header. This is possible, as payload data is never contained in the answer messages.


Additional parameters can be defined for each HTTP request. These must always be defined after the URI in line with the following schema: http://localhost:58454/datev/api/v1/clients?key1=value1&key2=value2. The number of possible parameters depends on the HTTP method used and the resource. For HTTP-GET, the following minimum parameters are always permissible: filter, top, skip, select. For all other parameters, please refer to the API description.


The query parameter filter can be used to select data sets whose fields satisfy the defined conditions. The operators listed in the table below are available for filtering purposes. The order of operations corresponds to the order of the list, starting with the highest priority.

startswith(property, substring)Searches for a substring from the start of the stringstartswith(name, 'Mu')
contains(property, substring)Searches for a substringcontains(name, 'alg')
notLogical negation of the filter expressionnot price eq 15
gtGreater thanprice gt 20
geGreater equalprice ge 20
ltLess thanprice lt 20
leLess equalprice le 20
eqEqualcity eq 'Nuremberg'
neNot equalcity ne 'Munic'
andLogical ANDcity eq 'Nuremberg' and price gt 20
orLogical ORcity eq 'Nuremberg' or not startswith(city, 'N')

Availability of the filter parameter

The filter parameter is only supported for HTTP-GET-requests.

Observing API-specific implementation

Depending on the resource, filters cannot be applied for all resource fields. On the other hand, filtering by the available fields delivers better performance. The filterable fields are listed in the API documentation. If no information can be found on a resource, all fields and all operators are supported.


Using the query parameters top and skip, the data sets can be scanned on a page-by-page basis.

topDefines how many elements in the list are to be read.Integer
skipDefines how many elements in the list are to be skipped. Usually, the line index is selected as the value of this parameter. The parameter is therefore to be interpreted as an offset. For some resources, the skip parameter is used as a seek value to distinguish it from the previous page. This value is always the final value of the previous page. Therefore, this value may also be alphanumeric. If this parameter is interpreted as a seek value, this is explicitly stated for the resource in the documentation. Otherwise, it is always interpreted as an offset value.String


All fields of a resource are loaded and transferred via HTTP as standard. With respect to large objects, however, not all fields are always relevant. In this case, it is possible to define the relevant fields using the query parameter select. The fields entered are to be separated from each other by commas. A corresponding request in which only the field ID and field name is queried could appear as follows:



With an aggregation, links to other resources are eliminated, and the representation of the referenced resource is embedded in the resource requested. This can be used as an opportunity to reduce the number of request–response cycles between client and server. The resource NaturalPerson serves as an example. A NaturalPerson may have one or more addresses. For the sake of simplification, only minimal attributes are present.


Request for a natural person:

GET /natural-persons/1234
    "id" : "1234",
    "name" : "Mustermann"

The requested representation of NaturalPerson now contains values for id and name but not for addresses, as the addresses are modeled as a subresource. In order to receive the addresses as well, a second request has to be composed.

GET /natural-persons/1234/addresses
    {"id" : "1"},
    {"id" : "2"}

Now, in order to receive a natural person and their addresses, it is always necessary to submit two requests. Using an aggregation, access to the use case “Reading a natural person including addresses” could now be simplified.

GET /natural-persons/1234?expand=addresses
    "id" : "1234",
    "name" : "Mustermann",
    "addresses" : [
        {"id" : "1"},
        {"id" : "2"}

Special data types

Some data types have to be available in a certain format to enable DATEVconnect to interpret them correctly. By the same token, DATEVconnect will always return these data types in the same format.

Data typeFormat descriptionExample
number (floatingpoint number)The point (.) is used as the decimal point.20.16
date (+ time)Dates are always transferred as a string and shown in ISO 8601 format. The following versions are supported:
- YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
- YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD

Special characters within the URI

As a rule, no special or reserved characters are required in the URI. It may, however, be necessary to use special characters within URI parameters such as the filter. In accordance with RFC 3986 (, only ASCII characters are used within URIs. However, these guidelines also specify how to enter special and reserved characters. Both types must be entered in encoded form using the percentage sign. Characters not included within the ASCII character set must also be entered in UTF-8-encoded form using the percentage sign. For instance, the German character “ö” is represented by “%C3%B6”.

Notes on working with DATEV


After importing the DATEVconnect license in the first place or as an update, make sure to restart the DATEVconnect service.
This can be done via "windows services" or by applying Configuration.