

    Reminder - Document Management (DEPRECATED): Shut down by 08.08.2024

    The already DEPRECATED API Document Management V1 will be shut down by 08.08.2024.

    You must migrate to the current API Document Management V2 by 08.08.2024.

    For further information, see API Documentation.

    Time for a change of scenery? Relaunch of the DATEV Developer Portal

    Over the last few months, we have relaunched the DATEV Developer Portal. Our goal: to optimise the use of the DATEV Developer Portal to meet the needs of our users. In future, you will benefit from a quick overview of our API product range, an improved display of the API reference and can easily see which API you need to implement for the realisation of specific use cases. We have also integrated a dashboard that gives you a quick overview of all the information about your apps and your organisation. 


    Our new user interface will go online in the next few weeks. Good to know: You log in to the

    my-tax:documents (DEPRECATED): Shut down by 15.07.2024

    The already DEPRECATED API my-tax:documents will be shut down by 15.07.2024.

    You must migrate to the current API my-tax:income-tax-documents by 15.07.2024.

    For further information, see API Documentation.

    Over 1,200 participants at the DATEV e-invoicing platform information events: “Why you should connect your solutions to the DATEV e-invoicing platform”


    As part of the Growth Opportunities Act, the German legislator has decided to introduce mandatory e-invoicing for the business-to-business sector as of January 1, 2025. 

    In a series of information events with over 1200 participants, we provided a comprehensive insight into the legal regulations on mandatory e-invoicing, their potential impact on companies and tax consulting firms and the advantages of connecting to the DATEV e-invoicing platform.

    If you were unable to attend the information events, we have recorded them for you. 

    You can find this recording and the FAQs on our

    Reminder: Discontinuation version 1.0 of the desktop API “Document Management”

    As communicated earlier the API version 1.0 (or 1.3.1) of the Document Management API will be discontinued with the program version 18.0 of DATEV DMS, Document Filing (Dokumentenablage) and Document Filing with revision (Dokumentenablage Revisionssicherheit).

    Until 08.08.2024 a change to API Version 2.0 (or 2.2.0) is required.

    Information about version 2.0 of the Document Management API can be found here: Document Management - DATEV Developer Portal | DATEV Developer Portal.

    DATEV Personalakte | No support for the DATEV Belegbilderservice Rechnungswesen (accounting:documents) | Information

    You have connected the ”DATEV Belegbilderservice Rechnungswesen” (accounting:documents) and your customers use it to transmit payroll-relevant documents? 

    We have fundamentally modernised the application “Digitale Personalakte” and developed it into a stand-alone application, “DATEV Personalakte”. The new “DATEV Personalakte” is part of the product “DATEV Personal”. The old “Digitale Personalakte”, previously part of “DATEV Belege online”, will no longer be developed further and is expected to be discontinued on 30 June 2025.   

    What will change for our customers?

    The new “DATEV Personalakte” is

    Invitation to the information event: E-invoicing will become mandatory in Germany and Europe. Why you should connect your solutions to the DATEV e-invoicing platform.

    As previously announced, the legislature plans to implement mandatory e-invoicing as the first step in combating sales tax fraud in the B2B sector starting January 1, 2025.

    According to the plans from the Federal Ministry of Finance, the exchange of invoice data should in the future be conducted via platforms. As implementing legal requirements is among DATEV’s core tasks and we actively promote the digitalization of commercial business processes together with the profession, the cooperative will develop its own e-invoicing platform even before the legal obligation comes into effect.

    At the

    Reminder: New version 3.1.0 for Desktop API "Payroll"

    The new version 3.1.0 for the "Payroll" desktop API has been available since “Jahreswechselversion 17.0”.

    For pilot users, API version 2.0.3 will be discontinued with version 18.0B in April (delivery 18.04.2024). With the summer DVD 18.0 in August 2024, only API version 3.1.0 will be supported and API version 2.0.3 will no longer be supported.

    Developers who are migrating from version 2.0.3 to version 3.1.0 can find a guide here: Migration guide | Payroll documentation | DATEV Developer Portal

    All further details on the new version can be found here: Changelog | Payroll Dokumentation | DATEV

    Announcement of the information event: “E-invoicing will become mandatory in Germany and Europe. Why you should connect your solutions to the DATEV e-invoicing platform.”

    The legislature is currently planning to introduce e-invoicing as the first stage in the fight against sales tax fraud in the B2B sector from January 1, 2025. According to plans by the Federal Ministry of Finance, the exchange of invoice data will take place via platforms in the future. Since the implementation of legal requirements is one of DATEV's core tasks and we are actively promoting the digitalization of commercial business processes together with the profession, the cooperative will develop its own e-invoicing platform before the legal obligation.

    In order to keep you as a software

    • Payroll
    • ASCII
    • File Interfaces

    New record description for the master data import for Lohn und Gehalt 13.06

    For the Lohn und Gehalt version 13.06 new record descriptions for the master data import have been provided in the document Schnittstellen in den DATEV-Programmen - DATEV Hilfe-Center under the section "6 Human Resources" and there "6.2 Lohn und Gehalt compact / classic / comfort".


    The program version is expected to be available to our users from 22.02.2024. under the section "6 Human Resources" and there "6.2 Lohn und Gehalt compact / classic / comfort".


    The program version is expected to be available to our users from 22.02.2024.