
The header is always the first line of a CSV file in DATEV format. It contains all the necessary information to process the file correctly in DATEV Accounting. The header line also makes it possible to import the files automatically from outside (for details, see Import/Export).

In general, the header can have the same record structure for all format descriptions. Only for the format descriptions of the transaction data must additional attention be paid to the specification of certain data fields, which, on the other hand, do not have to be filled in for the master data. Which data fields are affected by this is indicated in the table for the record structure.


Here are two examples of valid headers for a CSV file in DATEV format.

Booking batch:


Debtors / creditors:


Sentence structure

The following header structure must be adhered to. To describe the properties of a data field, we use simple regular expressions. Notation for the field "Expression"






1 Indicator ^["](EXTF|DTVF)["]$ EXTF = Export from 3rd party app
DTVF = Export from DATEV app
2 Version number ^(700)$ Version number of the header.
The version number can be used to
process older versions in a backward-compatible
3 Format category ^(16|20|21|46|48|65)$ 16 = Accounts receivable/payable
20 = G/L account labels
21 = Posting batch
46 = Terms of payment
48 = Miscellaneous addresses
65 = Recurring postings
4 Format name ^["](Posting batch|Recurring postings|Debtors/creditors|
G/L account labels|
Payment terms|
Miscellaneous addresses)["]$
Format name
5 Format version ^(2|4|5|13)$ Accounts receivable/payable = 5
G/L account labels = 3
Posting batches = 13
Payment terms = 2
Recurring postings = 4
Miscellaneous addresses = 2
6 Created on ^([2])([0])([0-9]{2})(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])(2[0-3]|[01][0-9])([0-5][0-9])([0-5][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9])$
7 Imported ^[]$
8 Origin ^["]\w{0,2}["]$ RE
9 Exported from ^["]\w{0,25}["]$ e.g. Max Mustermann
10 Imported from ^["]\w{0,25}["]$ e.g. Admin
11 Advisor number ^(\d{4,6}|\d{7})$
Range 1001-9999999
12 Client number ^\d{1,5}$ Range 1-99999
13 WY start date ^([2])([0])([0-9]{2})(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])$ Fiscal year start
14 Goods account length ^[4-8]$ Number length of the G/L accounts.
Value must match the configuration of the mandate in the DATEV app during import.
15 Date from ^([2])([0])([0-9]{2})(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])$ Start of the period of the batch
16 Date until ^([2])([0])([0-9]{2})(0[1-9]|1[0-2])(0[1-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-1])$ End of the period of the batch
17 Name ^["][\w.-/ ]{0,30}["]$ Name of the batch
e.g. Outgoing invoice 02/2024
18 Dictation abbreviation ^["]([A-Z]{2}){0,2}["]$ Code in capital letters of the editor
e.g. "MM" for Max Mustermann
19 Posting type ^[1-2]$ 1 = Financial accounting
2 = Annual financial statements
20 Reporting purpose
^(0|30|40|50|64)$ 0 = independent
30 = tax law
40 = costing
50 = commercial law
64 = IFRS
21 Fixed depreciation ^(0|1)$ 0 = no fixation
1 = fixation
22 WKZ ^["]([A-Z]{3})["]$ ISO code of the currency
"EUR" = default
List of ISO codes
23 Reserved ^[]$ Blank field
24 Derivative indicator ^["]["]$ Blank field
25 Reserved ^[]$ Blank field
26 Reserved ^[]$ Blank field
27 G/L account
^["](\d{2}){0,2}["]$ G/L chart of accounts used for the transaction data
28 ID of the industry
^\d{0,4}$ If a special DATEV industry solution is used
29 Reserved ^[]$ Blank field
30 Reserved ^["]["]$ Blank field
31 Application
^["].{0,16}["]$ Processing identifier of the issuing application
e.g. 02/2024