DATEV Personalakte | No support for the DATEV Belegbilderservice Rechnungswesen (accounting:documents) | Information


You have connected the ”DATEV Belegbilderservice Rechnungswesen” (accounting:documents) and your customers use it to transmit payroll-relevant documents? 

We have fundamentally modernised the application “Digitale Personalakte” and developed it into a stand-alone application, “DATEV Personalakte”. The new “DATEV Personalakte” is part of the product “DATEV Personal”. The old “Digitale Personalakte”, previously part of “DATEV Belege online”, will no longer be developed further and is expected to be discontinued on 30 June 2025.   

What will change for our customers?

The new “DATEV Personalakte” is a stand-alone application and does not support the “DATEV Belegbilderservice Rechnungswesen” (accounting:documents).  

Customers can switch to the new “DATEV Personalakte” from April 2024. Customers will carry out the changeover to the new “DATEV Personalakte” independently. As soon as the customer has switched to the new “DATEV Personalakte”, no documents of the document types "Lohn-Unterlagen" and "Reisekosten-Belege" can be uploaded to the new “DATEV Personalakte” via the “DATEV Belegbilderservice Rechnungswesen” (accounting:documents). 

How are customers informed?

As part of the initial communication on the changeover to the new “DATEV Personalakte”, customers were informed that the new “DATEV Personalakte” does not support the “DATEV Belegbilderservice Rechnungswesen” (accounting:documents).  Customers will receive further information as part of a regular changeover communication. 

What will happen with an interface for the new “DATEV Personalakte”?

We are currently working on a cloud API for the “DATEV Personalakte”. We are planning to start piloting the interface during the first half of 2024 and will provide information as soon as there is concrete information on the new interface.