

Notification examples

Notification examples

 The API hr:files sends e-mails in two different scenarios.

First scenario: Data is transferred to the DATEV payroll applications LODAS or Lohn und Gehalt. In this case, the external system, which is sending the data, can provide an e-mail address within its request. The recipient receives an e-mail with the subject „Neue Lohnimportdatei verfügbar“ and the following content:


Second scenario: Data, which previously was transferred to the DATEV payroll applications LODAS or Lohn und Gehalt, but was not yet uploaded, will be deleted after two months. If the external system provided an E-Mail address within its uploading request, the recipient receives an e-mail with the subject „Lohnimportdatei wird in 7 Tagen gelöscht“ and the following content: