
Transfer master and transaction data with file format "DATEV-Format" directly to the DATEV data center. The data can be retrieved with DATEV Rechnungswesen for further processing.

The web service is essentially required for the data service called "DATEV Buchungsdatenservice" and is used to transfer the data including the document link. It is recommended to use this API together with the other two APIs:

  • accounting:clients = Query metadata and check if the user meets the conditions for the data service (e.g. client permissions)
  • accounting:documents = Transfer of digital document incl. GUID (for the link) to "Belege online" (Part of "Unternehmen online")




Further informations see:

  • API-Reference
    • Technical description based on a YAML file (openapi 3.0.3)
  • API-Documentation
    • Further technical descriptions, implementation requirements and tools for implementation
    • Authentication with OAuth 2.0 & OpenID Connect
    • Changelog


Service Quality: PLATIN





Implementation details